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Guillermo Willie, Artist
Available Paintings and Drawings
Old Friend
Pen and Ink Wash
Quetzalcoatl $850
Mixed Media Image Size 22" x 28"
Coyote Moon Howling Red Like Me
$4500 Acrylic 26"x38"
Prismacolor and Pastel on paper 11" x 14" $250
Prisoner Of Woe
Pencil 11" x 14" $180
Old Artist Vato
Ball-Point Pen and Pastel 11" x 16" $350
Mother And Child
Ball-Point Pen and Pastel 14" x 20"
Las Chicas Locas De Never-Neverlandi
Ball-Point Pen 8.5" x 11"
Lean On Me
Ball-Point Pen 8.5' x 11"
Push Pull
Ball-Point Pen 8.5" x 11"
Loyal Companions
Pen & Ink Wash
Pen & Ink 11" x 14"
Unchain My Heart
Pen & Ink 11" x 14"
Touching Ma Bell
Pen & Ink 11" x 14"
Hello- Anybody Home?
Pen & Ink 11" x 14"
Hiding In The Books
Pen & Ink
Flowing Breeze
Acrylic on Paper 36" x 96"
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